Build fast & beautiful web apps with Vuero

Premium Vue Dashboard & Webapp UI Kit 3.0.0

Trusted by 2000+ customers
Vue 3Composition APIThe Progressive JavaScript Framework for building user interfaces.
ViteNext Generation Frontend ToolingVite is a new breed of frontend build tool that significantly improves the frontend development experience.
BulmaThe modern CSS frameworkBulma is a free, open source framework that provides ready-to-use frontend components.
SassMakes CSS fun againSass is an extension of CSS, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more.
TypescriptJavascript enhancedTypeScript adds optional types to JavaScript that support tools for large-scale JavaScript applications.

Amazing Features

All you need to build your project is there.

500+ Vue Components

An incredible set of building blocks with dark mode support.

220+ Demos

Vuero ships with a huge number of demos to kickstart your project.

Native Dark Mode

Every single piece of UI is natively dark mode ready.

Active Support

Our support helps you solve any issues you have

Clean Code

Vuero's codebase is huge, but structured and easy to understand

Premium Icons

Vuero ships with the premium Line Icons set ($30 value).

RTL Support

Vuero supports RTL layouts. Configure it in less than a minute.

Extensive Docs

A nice documentation to help you get started fast

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Available on Envato Market

Developer Experience

A set of professional tools to build professional apps.

Vue 3

Vue 3 and its powerful composition API makes your experience pleasant.


Typescript makes things much more simpler but remains optional.

Vite JS

Vite 4 is blazing fast, does HOT reloading and parses all your components.

VS Code Integration

Vuero is fully integrated with VS Code to help you produce quality checked code.

ES Lint

ES Lint watches your javascript code and makes sure it matches the best standards.


Stylelint looks for poorly formatted styles and fixes everything for you.


Iconify displays icons inside your code editor so you always know what you're doing.


Support Bun as alternative to Nodejs for a faster and more efficient development.


Vuero ships with a Docker file to make your test deployments faster and easier.

Props Validation

Vuero base components ship with props validation to prevent unexpected errors.

Project Structure

A clean and organized project structure lets you find any file or content quickly.

Component Guide

A full component / plugin documentation with a lot of code examples lives inside Vuero.

Top Tier Product

Vuero has been carefully handcrafted.

Incredible UI

Vuero's UI has been carefully thought and designed, and is simply one of the best you'll find on the market. It's visual power and its modularity will let you build great apps seamlessly.

Playful Vectors

Vuero ships with a lot of svg illustrations representing various elements that can be used in a website, following very high quality standards.

Handcrafted UI

Vuero ships with it's own component library based on the CSS framework. Each component has been carefully handcrafted and natively supports dark mode.

Want to learn more?

Check out the Vuero documentation

Reusable components

Vuero ships with a full component library.


Vuero uses a modular CSS structure leveraging the power of Sass. Each component family has it's own files and encapsulated styles.

Code Blocks

A lot of code examples are provided out of the box with syntax highlighting. Building your app layout is a simple as copying and pasting.

Easy Theming

Vuero's components provide easy to use class based color variations and modifiers to help you write less CSS. Theming is also very easy.

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3 More Reasons To Choose Vuero

If you're not convinced yet, here's some more.


Vuero is a professional product to build professional applications. You'll find everything you need to build a project that is up to the highest standards of web development.

Fast Development

Vuero ships with a Vitejs development server that will assist you when customizing the template. It handles .vue files compilation as well as SCSS and Typescript code. The page is refreshed each time you hit the save trigger in your favorite editor.

Extensive Documentation

Vuero's documentation will be a precious ally, as the template has a large codebase, and a lot of files. Read carefully the docs, all you need to know for an optimal development experience is there, even if you still are a beginner.

Exclusively on Envato Market

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